luni, 6 decembrie 2010

si mai multe bancuri:))

23. Ion si Vasile se plimbau prin Bucuresti. La un moment dat se apropie o coloana oficiala, incetineste si din limuzina scoate capul pe fereasta premierul si zice:
- Ce mai faci Vasile?
Ion, mirat, nu zice nimic. Scena se repeta putin mai tarziu cu presedintele. Ion, exasperat, intreaba:
- Da’ de unde te cunosc pe tine presedintele si premierul?!
- Pe mine ma cunoste toata lumea, spune Vasile!
-Asta chiar nu pot sa cred, zice Ion.
-Daca vrei, te duc sa l cunosti pe Bush.
Merg ei la Casa Alba, ii primeste Bush, servesc un paharel. Ion, socat, il intreaba pe Vasile:
-Il stii si pe Papa?!
Vasile ii spune ca da si zboara la Vatican. Grazile de corp il intreaba familiar pe Vasile ce mai face, Ion fiind tot mai socat. Vasile ii explica ca nu poate sa l ia si pe el la Papa, dar ca o sa iasa pe balcon si se vor imbratisa. Lucru care, dealtfel, se si intampla. Ion, in multime, lesina. Vasile il vede, alearga la el si il intreaba:
-Ma Ioane, chiar nu ti veni sa crezi ca ma stie si Papa?!
-Vasile, nu asta a fost problema; am auzit pe unul din multime ca a intrebat “Cine e ala pe care il imbratiseaza Vasile?”

I: De ce stã un grup de poliþiºti în faþa unei ºcoli ajutãtoare?
R: Ori e ºedinþa cu pãrinþii, ori întalnirea de zece ani.

25. Concurs pe vârful Everest "Cine vede cel mai bine" la care s-au prezentat un francez, un american ºi un român.
Se aºeazã francezul, puþin aplecat, îºi benocleazã ochii, se concentreazã ºi zice:
- În turnul Eiffel, în restaurant sunt ocupate 5 mese cu 5 perechi.
Organizatorii sunã la restaurantul din turnul Eiffel ºi primesc confirmarea cã aºa este. Aplauze, exclamaþii de uimire din partea publicului.
Urmeazã americanul, se aºeazã ºi acesta în poziþie puþin aplecat cu capul în faþã, se freacã la ochi ºi zice:
- În Florida, pe plajã este o blondã superbã ce are tatuat pe sânul drept un delfin ... ºi deasupra delfinului sunt tatuate douã puncte mici negre.
Sunã organizatorii în America ºi li se confirmã cã pe plajã este o blondã cu tatuajul descris. Aplauze, toatã lumea îl considera pe american învingãtor.
Urmeazã românul, se aºeazã ºi el uºor aplecat în faþã, se freacã la ochi, se concentreazã câteva secunde ºi zice:
- Sã fiu al dracului, am o patã pe cur.

26. Intr-o discoteca in Germania intra un rus, pe tricoul caruia scria mare: "Turcii au trei probleme."
Nu sta mult si se apropie un turc de el:
- Ce faci bah aici? Cauti bataie?
- Asta e prima voastra problema, va luati de oricine fara sa va fi facut nimic.
Dupa vreo 5 ore dupa ce se termina totul si lumea pleca acasa, la iesire pe rus, il asteptau o turma de turci.
- Asta e doua voastra problema, nu va puteti rezolva problemele singuri, si veniti in turma.
Turcii cum au auzit au scos cutitele la el.
- Si asta e a treia voastra problema, intotdeauna veniti la un schimb de focuri cu cutitele!

27. Un þãran se ocupa de cultivatul pepenilor. La un moment dat, niºte copii au început sã intre noaptea pe plantaþie ºi sã fure din pepeni. Omul se gândeºte ºi se gândeºte pânã îi vine o idee care în mod sigur îi va speria pe copii. Aºa cã pune pe câmp o plãcuþã pe care scria "Un pepene de pe acest câmp a fost injectat cu cianurã".
Ziua urmãtoare þãranul vine pe câmp ºi vede cã nu lipseºte nici un pepene, dar gãseºte o altã plãcuþã lângã cea pusã de el: "Acum sunt doi!"

28. Un roman calatoreste cu trenul cu un ungur.
La un moment dat, ungurul il intreaba pe roman: ce scrie pe geam?
El ii raspunde: "nu scoateti capul pe fereastra!"
- Si mai jos?
- Acelasi lucru dar in franceza.
- Mai jos?
- In engleza.
- Mai jos?
- In italiana.
- Dar in ungureste nu scrie?
- Nu, voi aveti voie.

mai multe bancuri:))

14. Albert Einstein moare si ajunge in Rai si e pus intr-o camera cu inca 4 oameni. Sf. Petru ii prezinta colegii de camera
- El este primul tau coleg. Are un IQ de 180!
- Excelent. Vom discuta despre matematica, spune Einstein.
- Aceasta este cel de-al doilea coleg. Are un IQ de 150
- Perfect. Vom discuta despre fizica! spune Einstein.
- Acesta este cel de-al treilea coleg. IQ-ul lui este 100.
- Foarte bine. Putem vorbi despre piese de teatru!, spune Einstein. In acel moment o alta persoana vine si ii strange mana lui Einstein si ii zice:
- El e ultimul coleg de camera. Imi pare rau, dar IQ-ul lui este de doar 50.
Einstein ii zambeste si ii spune:
- Pai, vom discuta despre manele.

15. Intr-un avion, un avocat nimereste langa o blonda misto. Bla, bla, tot incerca sa intre in vorba cu ea... Nimic. Blonda se uita pe geam, mai incerca sa doarma... Avocatul, enervat:
- Uite, hai sa jucam un joc misto! Eu iti pun tie o intrebare, si daca nu stii imi dai 5 $, apoi imi pui tu mie o intrebare, si daca nu stiu iti dau 5 $! Si tot asa...
- Nu domnule, imi pare rau, sunt obosita, as prefera sa ma odihnesc...
- Bine, uite, eu iti pun tie o intrebare, daca nu stii imi dai 5 $; tu imi pui mie o intrebare, si daca nu stiu, iti dau 500 $! Blonda accepta in sfarsit.
- Care este distanta de la Pamant la Luna?
Blonda deschide geanta si ii da 5 $.
- Ce e mic, are 3 picioare si urca dealul?
Avocatul, se gandeste..., scoate laptop-ul, cauta in baza de date..., cauta pe Internet...,trimite mailuri la toti prietenii..., in sfarsit, dupa o ora, transpirat, ii da blondei 500 $. Blonda ii ia, apoi se intoarce si incepe sa se uite plictisita pe geam. Avocatul, isterizat:
- Bine, bine, ce e mic, are trei picioare si urca dealul?
Blonda deschide tacticoasa geanta si ii da o hartie de 5 $.

16. Un lucrator la Cola vine dintr-o misiune de promovare a bauturii in Orientul Mijlociu.
- Si, ai avut succes prin Arabia?
- Mmm, nu prea...
- Pai ce s-a intamplat?
- Pai una la mana nu stiam limba araba, si m-am decis sa o promovez prin trei postere...intr-unul era un tip mergand prin desert, lesinat de doilea il infatisa in timp ce bea Cola..iar al treilea arata un om complet relaxat
- Aa, pai o idee foarte buna, cum de nu ai avut succes?
- Dupa ce ca nu stiam limba, nu stiam nici faptul ca arabii citesc de la dreapta la stanga...

Limba germana este simpla. O persoana cunoscatoare a limbii latine si obisnuita cu declinarile o învata fara mari dificultati. Profesorii de germana spun acest lucru la începutul fiecarui ciclu de studii. Se trece, apoi la initierea în der, die, das, den, des, dem etc. si din nou se reaminteste ca tot restul este de o logica elementara.
Ca sa ilustram aceste afirmatii, sa luam un exemplu practic. Pentru început, sa deschidem Manualul de Limba Germana. Este un volum minunat, cu coperte cartonate, publicat la Dortmund si care povesteste despre obiceiurile hotentotilor (în germana: Hottentotten - observati cît e de simplu!).
În carte se relateaza cum cangurii (Beutelratten) sunt prinsi si închisi în custi (Kotter), acoperite cu o tesatura (Lattengitter) care sa-i fereasca de ploi. Aceste custi se numesc în germana "custi acoperite cu pînza" (Lattengitterkotter) si, atunci cînd contin un cangur, ele sunt numite Lattengitterkotterbeutelratten.
Într-o zi, hotentotii au arestat un asasin (Attentater), acuzat ca ar fi omorît o mama (Mutter) hotentota (Hottentottenmutter), avînd un fiu cam prostut si bîlbîit (Stottertrottel). O astfel de femeie se numeste, în germana, Hottentottenstottertrottelmutter, iar asasinul ei este un Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater. Politia îl prinde pe asasin si îl inchide provizoriu într-o cusca pentru canguri (Beutelrattenlattengitterkotter), dar captivul evadeaza. Imediat, toti pleaca în cautarea fugarului si, deodata, un razboinic hotentot se întoarce strigînd: -Am prins asasinul (Attentater)! -Da? Care?, întreaba seful de trib. -Pe Lattengitterkotterbeutelratterattentater, raspunde razboinicul. -Cum adica, asasinul din cusca de canguri acoperita cu pînza? întreaba seful hotentotilor.
- Pai, raspunde bastinasul, pe Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater. (Asasinul mamei hotentote a copilului prostut si bîlbîit). -A, asa, da! raspunde seful hotentotilor. Puteai sa zici de la început ca l-ai prins pe: Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterlattengitterkotter-beutelrattenattentater.
Dupa cum vedeti, limba germana este o limba simpla. Trebuie sa aveti doar un dram de bunavointa.

18. Castigatorii probei de 100 m plat sunt foarte norocosi , inrotdeauna castiga pe ultima suta de metri.

19. Se intalnesc pe strada un schiop si unu are se uita crucis.Deodata se ciocnesc. Cel ce se uita crucis zice:
- Baaa, de ce nu te uiti pe unde mergi?
- Da' tu de ce nu mergi pe unde te uiti?

20. O femeie isi primea amantul in timp ce sotul ei era plecat la serviciu.
Intr-o zi, fiul ei de 9 ani se ascunde in sifonierul de la ea din
camera. Sotul ei vine acasa pe neasteptate, asa ca ea il ascunde pe
amant tot in sifonier.
Baietelul spune “E intuneric aici.”
Barbatul sopteste “Da,este.”
Baiatul -”Am o minge de baseball.”
Barbatul -”Foarte bine.”
Baiatul -”Vrei s-o cumperi?”
Barbatul -”Nu, multumesc.”
Baiatul -”Tata e afara.”
Barbatul -”OK, cat costa?”
Baiatul - “$250.”
Peste o saptamana, cei doi nimeresc din nou impreuna in sifonier.
Baiatul -”E intuneric aici.”
Barbatul -”Da, este.”
Baiatul -”Am o manusa de baseball.”
Barbatul -”Cat vrei pe ea?”
Baiatul -”$750.”
Barbatul -”Fie.”
Dupa cateva zile, tatal ii spune baiatului “Ia-ti mingea si manusa si
hai afara sa jucam baseball.”
Baiatul: “Nu pot. Le-am vandut.”
Tatal: “Si cu cat le-ai vandut?”
Fiul: “$1000.”
Tatal spune “Nu e frumos sa-ti jefuiesti prietenii asa. Le-ai vandut
pentru mult mai mult. Te duc la biserica, trebuie sa te spovedesti”.
Se duc la biserica si tatal il pune pe baietel sa intre in confesionar
si inchide usa.
Baiatul: “E intuneric aici.”
Preotul: “Iar incepi?”

21. Un copil, la gradinita, incearca sa isi incalte cizmulitele. Pentru ca nu se descurca, a cerut ajutorul educatoarei. Cu tot trasul si impinsul, cizmulitele nu voiau nicidecum sa intre. Pana cand a reusit totusi sa il incalte, educatoarei i-au aparut broboane de transpiratie pe frunte. De aceea aproape ca i-au dat lacrimile cand copilul i-a zis:
- Doamna, dar sunt puse invels...
Intr-adevar, erau puse gresit... Nu a fost cu nimic mai usor sa ii scoata cizmulitele decat sa i le puna, totusi a reusit sa isi pastreze calmul pana cand cizmulitele au fost iar incaltate, tot cu sudoare pe frunte, dar de data aceasta asa cum trebuia. Insa atunci baietelul a zis:
- Cizmulitele astea nu sunt ale mele!!!
In loc sa tipe la el "De ce nu mi-ai spus?", educatoarea si-a muscat buza si inca o data s-a chinuit sa il descalte. Cand s-a terminat chinul descaltatului, baietelul i-a spus:
- Sunt cizmulitele flatelui meu. Mama mi-a zis sa le incalt pe astea azi.
Acum ea nu mai stia ce sa faca... Sa planga sau sa rada? A reusit totusi sa stranga suficienta rabdare pentru a se lupta din nou cu cizmulitele. Cand, in sfarsit, l-a incaltat, inainte de a-l trimite afara la joaca, l-a intrebat:
- Si acum, unde iti sunt manusile? Trebuie sa ti le pun in maini ca sa poti pleca afara!
- Le-am bagat in cizmulite ca sa nu le pield...

22. Aceasta este o converstatie adeverata care s-a petrecut la linia de ajutor a Word Perfect. Operatorul a fost concediat dupa aceasta discutie insa nimeni nu-l poate invinui.

Operator: "Ridge Hall, asistenta cu clientul; cu ce va pot ajuta?"
Client: "Da, pai, am probleme cu WordPerfect."
Operator: "Ce fel de probleme?"
Client: "Pai, in timp ce scriam, dintr-o data mi-au fugit cuvintele"
Operator: "Au fugit?"
Client: "Dau, au disparut"
Operator: "Acum ce va apare pe ecran?"
Client: "Nimic"
Operator: "Nimic??"
Client: "Este gol; nu accepta nimic din ce scriu"
Operator: "Mai sunteti pe WordPerfect, sau ati iesit din program??"
Client: "Cum sa-mi dau seama?"
Operator: "Vedeti fereastra programului pe ecran??"
Client: "Ce-i aia fereastra?"
Operator: "Nu conteaza. Puteti sa miscati cursoul pe ecran?"
Client: "Pai nu exista niciun cursor: V-am zis, nu accepta nimic din ce tastez"
Operator: "Monitorul are un beculet care sa va indice daca e deschis??"
Client: "Ce e aia monitor?"
Operator: "Este chestia aia cu ecran care arata ca un televizor pe care va arate ce scrieti. Are jos o lumina micuta care sa va arate daca este deschis??"
Client: "Nu stiu"
Operator: "Atunci, uitati-va in spatele monitorului si vedeti unde duce cablul de alimentare. Il puteti vedea?"
Client: "Da, da, cred ca da"
Operator: "Perfect. Urmariti cablul si vedeti daca este in priza"
Client: "Da, este"
Operator: "Cand erati in spatele monitorului, ati vazut ca acolo erau doua cabluri in spate, nu doar unu??"
Client: "Nu"
Operator: "Pai, sunt doua. Va rog sa va uitati din nou in spate si sa gasiti cel de-al doilea cablu"
Client: "L-am gasit"
Operator: "Urmati-l si vedeti daca capatul celalalt este introdus corect in spatele computerului"
Client: "Nu ajung"
Operator: "Bine. Dar macar puteti vedea daca este introdus bine??"
Client: "Nu"
Operator: "Chiar daca incercati sa va aplecati mai mult tot nu vedeti??"
Client: "Nu vad nu pentru ca nu ajung la el ci pentru ca e intuneric"
Operator: "Intuneric?"
Client: "Da, lumina din birou e stinsa si singura lumina pe care o am vine de pe ferestra dar nu e de ajuns"
Operator: "Pai, va rog sa deschideti lumina pentru cateva minute"
Client: "Nu pot"
Operator: "Nu puteti? De ce??"
Client: "Pentru ca e pana de curent"
Operator: "Pana......... pana de curent?!?! Aha, mda, bine, am inteles acum care e problema. Mai aveti cutia in care a venit computerul si manualele de functionare??"
Client: "Da, le tin in dulap"
Operator: "Foarte bine. Luati-le, scoate computerul din priza, impachetati-l in cutie asa cum era cuand l-ati cumparat. Apoi duceti-l la magazinul de unde l-ati luat"
Client: "Chiar? Este chiar atat de grav?"
Operator: "Da, ma tem ca da"
Client: "Bine, atunci. Ce sa le spun??"
Operator: "Spuneti-le ca sunteti al dracului de tampit pentru a avea un computer!!!!!"


1.Un bãrbat e adus în fa?a judecãtorului pentru ca a omorât-o pe so?ia lui.
- Fapta dumneavoastrã e sub orice criticã. Dacã ave?i inten?ia ca tribunalul sã nu vã condamne la închisoare pe via?ã, trebuie sa ne expune?i motive cât de cât plauzibile care sa va poate reduce pedeapsa.
- Domnule judecãtor, so?ia mea era asa de proasta încât nu am putut sã mã controlez ?i a trebuit sã o arunc de la balcon.
- Declara?ia dumneavoastrã este o obrãznicie nemaiauzitã ?i dacã nu dori?i ca jura?ii sã vã condamne înainte sã continuãm procesul trebuie sã ave?i argumente cu adevãrat plauzibile.
- Pai sa va povestesc. Locuim într-un bloc cu 10 etaje la ultimul etaj ?i la parter locuie?te o familie de pitici. Pãrin?ii au 1 metru ?i copii, cel de 12 ani 70 de cm ?i cel de 14 ani are 90 de cm .
- În ziua respectiva i-am spus so?iei:
- E teribil sa fii pitic. Sãracii vecini de la parter, to?i sunt asa mici!
- Da, rãspunde so?ia sunt o adevãratã specie de pirinei.
- Pigmei ai vrut sa spui!
- Nu, pigmei e ceea ce are omul în piele ?i de la care se alege cu pistrui.
- Aia se nume?te pigment.
- Ma la?i ? Pigment e chestia aia pe care scriau vechii romani.
- Ala se nume?te pergament.
- Cum po?i draga sa fii asa de incult? Pergament e când un scriitor publica o parte din ce a scris.
- Domnule judecãtor, va închipui?i ca mi-am înghi?it cuvântul „fragment“ ca sa nu mai continui discu?ia asta aberanta. M-am a?ezat pe fotoliu si am luat un ziar sa-l rãsfoiesc. Nici nu m-am a?ezat bine ca apare so?ia mea lângã mine cu o carte în mana ?i îmi spune:
- Uite dragã, asta e ceea ce scrie un scriitor si se nume?te carte , dacã nu aveai idee ce e aia. Ia ?i cite?te Veranda de la Pompadur.
Iau carte în mânã ?i îi spun “Draga mea, asta e o carte în limba francezã Marchiza de Pompadour, nu trebuie sã interpretezi numele în românã” .
- Asta e bunã dragã, îmi dai tu lec?ii de francezã, mie care am fãcut medita?ii cu un vector de la facultate !!
- Ãla nu se nume?te vector, se nume?te lector.
- E?ti prost, Lector a fost un erou grec din antichitate.
- Ala a fost Hector ?i era troian.
- Hector e unitate de mãsura a suprafa?ei blegule.
- Ala e hectar draga mea.
- Ma uime?ti cu incultura ta. Hectar e o bãutura a zeilor.
- Ala se nume?te nectar spun eu oftând din adâncul sufletului.
- Habar nu ai, eu ?tiu sigur ca era si o melodie pe tema asta pe care o cântau doua prietene în duo.
- Nu se spune duo se spune duet.
- Ma sco?i din sãrite, cum dracu de e?ti asa de încuiat? Duet e când doi bãrba?i se bat cu sabiile
- Ala se nume?te duel.
- Pe dracu, duel e gaura aia neagra din munte de unde apare trenul.
- Domnule judecãtor, aveam tunel pe limba dar am sim?it ca mi se face negru în fata ochilor ?i nu m-am mai putut stãpâni ?i am aruncat-o pe geam.
Lini?te în sala… judecãtorul ia ciocãnelul de pe masa, love?te cu el puternic ?i spune:
- E?ti liber, a fost un caz clar de legitima apãrare. Eu o aruncam deja de la Hector.

2. Deoarece nu se mai poate cu actuala echipã guvernamentalã, primul ministru al României, s-a gândit sã aducã 9 experþi japonezi pe posturile de miniºtri. Iatã noii miniºtri:
1. Nimika Nuidamoka
2. Yaspaga Shidute
3. Vreypostu Daybanu
4. Undeypliku Katesparg
5. Vinoakuma Kuosuma
6. Furatzara Kutotu
7. Bagabany Labayatu
8. Totkumita Madeskurk
9. Nufurytu Furyo
In loc sa diminueze numarul excesiv de parlamentari-frecatori de menta, se reduce cercetarea ca nu e nevoie de ea, poate va fi numit cercetator, domnul Marean Vanghelie…

3.Secretele unei casnicii reusite
Sotia mea si cu mine cunoastem secretul pentru a mentine o casatorie solida:
1. De doua ori pe saptamana mergem intr-un restaurant dragut, bem vin, mincare buna si companie... ea merge marti, eu vineri.
2. Dormim in paturi separate, eu la Milano, ea la Genova.
3. O duc peste tot, dar ea reuseste mereu sa gaseasca drumul inapoi.
4. Am intrebat-o unde vrea sa mearga pentru aniversarea casatoriei si mi-a raspuns: "intr-un loc unde nu am mai fost demult". I-am sugerat bucataria.
5. Ne tinem de mina mereu. Daca nu o fac, incepe sa cheltuiasca.
6. Are un robot de bucatarie electric, un storcator electric, un prajitor electric si zice ca sint prea multe in casa, nu are loc de ele unde sa stea. Asa ca i-am cumparat un scaun electric.
7. Mi-a spus ca masina nu merge, ca are apa in carburator. Am intrebat unde e masina: "in lac".
8. A facut o masca de argila. Pentru doua zile a fost frumoasa foc. Apoi si-a spalat masca de pe fata.
9. A urmarit camionul de gunoi, urlind dupa el: sunt in intirziere pt gunoi? Soferul a raspuns: "nu, salta inauntru!"
10. Aminteste-ti mereu, casatoria e prima cauza a divortului.
11. Nu am vorbit cu sotia mea de11 luni. Nu indrazneam sa o intrerup.
12. Ultima cearta a fost din cauza mea. A intrebat "ce e pe televizor", iar eu am raspuns: "praf".
13. La inceput, Dumnezeu a creat pamintul si s-a odihnit. Apoi a creat barbatul si s-a odihnit. Apoi a creat femeia. Si nici barbatul, nici Dumnezeu nu s-au mai odihnit niciodata si nici nu o vor mai face in vecii vecilor.

4. Intr-o noapte, pe la ora 2, vine Vasile la Ion si incepe sa bata de nebun la geam. Iese Ion adormit si urla la el:
Vasile : "Io, Vasile!"
Ion : "Ce vrei ma, la ora asta?"
Vasile : "Ioane, ai vopsea verde?"
Ion : "Nu"
Vasile : "Bine" si pleaca.
Dupa vreo doua ore, cand tocmai atipise Ion, iar batai in geam.
Iese Ion si mai nervos: "Cine-i?"
Vasile : "Tot eu, Vasile"
Ion : "Si acum ce mai vrei?"
Vasile : "Ti-am adus vopsea verde"

5. Campionatul mondial de furat: Finala (care echipa fura cele mai multe electronice in 30 de min. dintr-o hala castiga)
In finala echipele S.U.A , Franta , Romania.
Intra echipa S.U.A. : dupa 30 de min. deabia se cunostea daca intrase cineva.
Intra echipa Frantei : dupa 30 de min. se cunostea ceva ceva
Intra echipa Romaniei iar dupa 5 minute iese unul si intreaba :
- Sefu , luam si prizele?

6. Jack, un istet om de afaceri, vorbeste cu fiul sau:

Jack: "Vreau sa te insori cu o fata pe care o aleg eu."
Fiul: "Imi voi alege singur mireasa."
Jack: "Dar fata este fiica lui Bill Gates."
Fiul: "Ei bine, in acest caz..."

Apoi, Jack se intalneste cu Bill Gates.
Jack: "Am un fiu pentru fiica ta."
Bill Gates: "Dar fata mea este prea tanara pentru casatorie."
Jack: "Dar tanarul este vice-presedinte la Banca Mondiala."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in acest caz..."

In sfarsit, Jack se duce sa se intalneasca cu presedintele Bancii Mondiale.
Jack: "Iti recomand un tanar pentru a fi vice-presedinte."

Presedintele: "Dar deja am mai multi vice-presedinti decat am nevoie."

Jack: "Dar tanarul este ginerele lui Bill Gates."
Presedintele: "Ah, in acest caz..."

7. 2 baieti se jucau WoW in noaptea de paste... unul ii zice :
- Hristos a inviat!
Celalalt: -Ce level e?

8. Despre criza...
E august, un mic oras pe malul marii ..., in plin sezon, ploua torential de citeva zile, orasul arata de parca ar fi parasit.
Toti au datorii si traiesc din credite.

Din fericire vine un rus bogat la un mic hotel cochet. Vrea o camera. Pune o bancnota de 100$ pe masa receptionerului si se duce sa vada camerele. Seful hotelului ia repede bancnota si se duce repede sa plateasca datoriile la macelar.
Acesta ia bancnota si se duce repede sa-si plateasca datoria la crescatorul de porci. Acesta la rândul lui se grabeste sa-si plateasca datoriile la cel ce-i livreaza furaje pt. porci. Cel cu furajele insfaca bancnota si alearga la prostituata pe care nu o mai platise demult. In timpurile astea de criza pina si ea ofera servicii pe datorie! Prostituata ia bancnota in mina si se grabeste spre hotel, unde fusese cu clientii ultimele dati si unde ramasese datoare.
In acest moment coboara rusul, dupa ce a inspectat camerele, spune ca nici o camera nu-i place, isi ia bancnota si paraseste orasul.

Nimeni nu a cistigat ceva, insa intregul oras traieste acum fara datorii si priveste optimist in viitor!

9. Un roman viziteaza Vaticanul. Dupa o vreme, i se face foame si incepe sa caute un restaurant. In cautarile sale, este acostat de catre un proxenet:
- Hei! Una ragazza, blonda, bella!... Cum romanul nu stia italiana, incearca sa ii explice ca el cauta un restaurant, ca sa manance:
- Papa, papa!... Dupa un timp apare proxenetul din nou:
- Hei! Una ragazza bruna, bella!... Romanul, in continuare preocupat de problema lui, ii raspunde:
- Papa, papa!... Dupa un alt rastimp, proxenetul apare din nou, zicand:
- Hei! Papa dice che no, ma io ho trovato due cardinali!...

10. Intra unul la aprozar, iar vanzatorul il intreaba:
- Cu ce va pot servi?
- Doua kilograme de cartofi, dar fiecare cartof impachetat separat.
Dupa o moaca expresiva a vanzatorul, ii face pe plac dupa care il intreaba:
- Altceva?
- Un kilogram de portocale, dar fiecare portocala impachetata separat.
Vanzatorul ii indeplineste dorinta,vizibil nemultumit. Omul se uita prin aprozar si, la un moment dat, intreaba:
- Ce este ala negru acolo?
- Mac, dar nu-i de vanzare.

11. Un caine se rataceste prin jungla.
Plimbandu-se el linistit vede un tigru indreptandu-se in goana spre el, cu intentia clara sa-l manince.
Cainele se gindeste `Vere, am incurcat-o! Asta ma haleste!` Dar imediat vede niste oase pe jos. Se aseaza pe burta si incepe sa roada oasele, cu spatele la tigru.
Chiar inainte ca tigrul sa sara, cainele exclama satisfacut, frecindu-se pe burta: `Mmmm, delicios tigru! Oare or mai fi si altii p`aici?`
Auzind, tigrul se opreste din salt si infricosat se prelinge pe linga copaci, luand distanta: A fost cat p'aci! Cainele aproape ca m-a dat gata!
O maimuta care a urmarit scena dintr-un copac, sperind sa se puna bine cu tigrul, fuge dupa acesta ca sa-i povesteasca inselatoria.
Cainele nostru o vede.
Maimuta il ajunge pe tigru, si-i spune pe fata toata tarasenia. Tigrul, inecat de furie zice: Urca in spinarea mea si vei vedea ce ii voi face nemernicului de caine!
Acum cainele vede tigrul cu maimuta in carca si se gindeste - Ei, cum o mai scot la capat de data asta?
Dar in loc sa fuga se intoarce cu spatele la atacatori prefacindu-se ca nu i-a vazut. Si... cind acestia au fost destul de aproape zice -Unde dracu' e maimuta aia?! De juma' de ora am trimis-o sa-mi aduca un tigru si nici acu' nu s-a intors!!!

12. Secretul unei casnicii durabile
Un cuplu celebra 50 de ani de casnicie. Armonia si linistea din familia lor erau celebre in tot oraselul, asa ca un reporter se hotaraste sa realizeze un interviu.
- Cum se face ca de 50 de ani nu v-a vazut nimeni certandu-va sau macar ridicand tonul unul la altul?
- Secretul este la inceputul casniciei, in luna de miere. Ne-am hotarat sa o petrecem la o cabana superba pe creasta muntilor si am inchiriat doi magarusi pentru a ajunge acolo impreuna cu bagajele noastre. La un moment dat, magarusul sotiei mele s-a impiedicat si au cazut. Sotia mea, desi se lovise, i-a spus animalului pe un ton calm "Prima data". Magarul s-a ridicat si am continuat drumul. Dupa un timp, s-a impiedicat din nou. Sotia mea i-a spus, cu aceeasi voce egala "A doua oara". Ne-am continuat calatoria, magarul s-a impiedicat a treia oara. Atunci sotia mea a scos un revolver si a impuscat magarul in cap. Am facut criza de isterie. I-am spus ca e nebuna sa procedeze asa de crud cu bietul animal, ca trebuie sa consulte un psihiatru.
Sotia mea s-a intors catre mine, m-a privit in ochi si mi-a spus calm "Prima data". A fost prima si ultima data cand ne-am certat.

13. Un tânãr preot trebuia sã þinã prima lui slujbã, drept pentru care era extrem de emoþionat, chiar panicat. Atunci, superiorul lui, Episcopul, vãzându-l atât de stresat, l-a sfãtuit ca, înainte sã se urce în amvon pentru predicã, sã punã un paharel de vodcã în paharul cu apã, ca sã se relaxeze ºi sã aibã curaj. Preotului i-a mers nemaipomenit la prima lui slujba, dar, când a ajuns acasã, a gãsit pe masã o micã scrisoare din partea Episcopului în care, acesta, scria:
"Dragã Pãrinte, Fiule,
Mã bucur foarte mult ca þi-a mers atât de bine în prima ta slujba ºi cã ai tinut cont de sfatul pe care þi l-am dat, dar… trebuie sã-þi fac anumite observaþii:
1. Din acel pahar cu apã trebuie sã iei mici sorbituri nu sã-l dai pe gât dintr-o datã.
2. În acel pahar cu apã nu se pune nici gheaþã, nici felii de lãmâie. În plus, eu þi-am spus sã pui puþinã vodcã în paharul cu apã, nu invers...
3. Nu se foloseºte Biblia ca suport pentru pahar.
4. Nu poþi sã te ºtergi la gurã cu sutana.
5. Poruncile lui Dumnezeu sunt 10 nu 12.
6. Iar apostolii sunt 12 nu 10.
7. Când vorbesti despre cruce nu poþi sã spui cã e acel T mare de deasupra altarului.
8. Când vorbeºti despre Isus ºi apostoli, nu poþi spune cã e "Fiul ºi banda lui".
9. David l-a învins pe Goliat cu o praºtie ºi o piatra, nu poþi sã spui cã "I-a zburat curul cu dinamita"...
10. Când vorbesti despre Iuda, nu poþi sã-l numeºti "bulangiu".
11. Tatãl, Fiul ºi Sfântul Duh nu sunt Bãtrânul, Juniorul ºi Stafia...
12. Nu e frumos sã-l numeºti pe Papã - "Naºul".
13. Faraonul i-a trimis pe evrei în pribegie, nu în p...a mã-sii.
14. Eva i-a dat lui Adam un mãr, nu i-a cedat...
15. Magdalena a fost o pãcãtoasã nu o curvã.
16. Iniþiativa de a invita publicul sã aplaude a fost bunã, dar a fost exagerat sã-i inviþi sã danseze Macarena, sã facã trenuleþul ºi sã o inviþi pe Sora Daniela sã facã streaptease.
17. Apa sfinþitã se foloseºte pentru a binecuvânta, nu pentru a-þi rãcori ceafa.
18. "Casuþa" aia este confesionalul, nu toaleta.
19. Pasticul se distribuie creºtinilor fãrã Nutella.
20. Cel de pe cruce era Iisus Cristos ºi nu Che Guevarra.
21. Pãcãtoºii, când mor, se duc in Infern, nu în aia a mã-sii.
22. Vezi sã ai mereu chiloþii pe tine ºi, când este cald, evitã sã-þi faci aer cu sutana.
23. Îþi amintesc cã slujba trebuie sã dureze circa o orã ºi nu douã reprize de 45 de minute fiecare, iar cel care era aºezat lângã tine ºi pe care l-ai numit "travestit cu fustã roºie" eram eu... În rest a fost bine".

finalu profei

. The text below is an example of what constraint type: If the number of BOOKS lent to a BORROWER in the LIBRARY exceeds 5, then we must send him/her a letter requesting the return of the BOOKS, which will require extra programming to enforce. Mark for Review
(1) Points

Entity integrity

User-defined integrity (*)

Column integrity

Referential integrity

2. A table must have at least one candidate key, as well as its primary key. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

3. The text below is an example of what constraint type: The value in the manager_id column of the EMPLOYEES table must match a value in the employee_id column in the EMPLOYEES table. Mark for Review
(1) Points

Entity integrity

User-defined integrity

Column integrity

Referential integrity (*)

4. The explanation below is a User Defined integrity rule and must therefore be manually coded, the Database cannot enforce this rule automatically: A primary key must be unique, and no part of the primary key can be null. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Section 12 Lesson 2
(Answer all questions in this section)

5. The transformation from an ER diagram to a physical design involves changing terminology. Primary Unique Identifiers in the ER diagram become __________ and relationships become ____________. Mark for Review
(1) Points

Foreign keys, primary keys

Primary keys, Foreign keys (*)

Foreign keys, mandatory business rules

Unique Keys, Primary keys

6. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a combination of: (Choose Two) Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)


Primary Key or Unique Key (*)

Check Constraint or Unique Key

Foreign Key (*)

7. In an Oracle database, why would 1_TABLE not work as a table name? Mark for Review
(1) Points

The database does not understand all capital letters

There is no problem here. You can create a table called 1_TABLE

Object names must not start with a number. They must begin with a letter (*)

TABLE is a reserved word

Section 12 Lesson 3
(Answer all questions in this section)

8. One-to-One relationships are transformed into Check Constraints in the tables created at either end of that relationship. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 12

9. It is possible to implement non-transferability via a simple Foreign Key Relationship. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Section 12 Lesson 4
(Answer all questions in this section)

10. An "Arc Implementation" can be done just like any other Relationship - you simply add the required Foreign Keys. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

11. Which of the following are reasons why you should consider using a Subtype Implementation? Mark for Review
(1) Points

The resulting table will reside in a single database and be used by just ONE user.

When the common access paths for the supertypes are different.

Business functionality and business rules, access paths and frequency of access are all very different between subtypes. (*)

Most of the relationships are at the supertype level

Section 13 Lesson 1
(Answer all questions in this section)

12. The DESCRIBE command returns all rows from a table. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

13. What command will return data from the database to you? Mark for Review
(1) Points





Section 16 Lesson 1
(Answer all questions in this section)

14. If a SQL statement returns data from two or more tables, which SQL capability is being used? Mark for Review
(1) Points



Joining (*)


15. You query the database with this SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM students;
Why would you use this statement?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

To insert data

To view data (*)

To display the table structure

To delete data

16. You want to create a list of all albums that have been produced by the company. The list should include the title of the album, the artist's name, and the date the album was released. The ALBUMS table includes the following columns:

Which statement can you use to retrieve the necessary information?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

FROM albums;

SELECT alb_title, alb_artist, alb_dates
FROM album;

FROM album;

SELECT alb_title; alb_artist; alb_date
FROM albums;

17. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:

All three columns contain values greater than zero. There is one row of data in the table and the values are as follows:

Salary = 500, Bonus = 50, Commission_pct = .5

Evaluate these two SQL statements:

SELECT salary + bonus + commission_pct * salary - bonus AS income
FROM employees;

SELECT (salary + bonus ) + commission_pct * (salary - bonus) income
FROM employees;

What will be the result?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Statement 1 will return a higher value than statement 2. (*)

Statement 2 will return a higher value than statement 1.

Statement 1 will display a different column heading.

One of the statements will NOT execute.

18. The SELECT statement retrieves information from the database. In a SELECT statement, you can do all of the following EXCEPT: Mark for Review
(1) Points


Manipulation (*)



19. In the default order of precedence, which operator would be evaluated first? Mark for Review
(1) Points


Multiplications (*)



20. Which keyword can be used to specify a column alias? Mark for Review
(1) Points

AS (*)




21. In a SELECT statement Additions are evaluated before Multiplications. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

22. All computers in the world speaks the same languages, so you only need to learn one programming language - Oracle SQL. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

Section 17 Lesson 1
(Answer all questions in this section)

23. Which of the following elements cannot be included in a WHERE clause? Mark for Review
(1) Points

A column alias (*)

A column name

A comparison condition

A constant

24. The Concatenation Operator does which of the following? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Links rows of data together inside the database.

Links two or more columns or literals to form a single output column (*)

Is represented by the asterisk (*) symbol

Separates columns.

25. Which comparison operator searches for a specified character pattern? Mark for Review
(1) Points


LIKE (*)



26. You need to combine the FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME columns in the EMPLOYEES table and display the columns as a combined character string. Which operator should you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points



|| (*)


27. You need to display employees with salaries that are at least 30000 or higher. Which comparison operator should you use? Mark for Review
(1) Points



>= (*)


28. When using the LIKE condition, which symbol represents any sequence of none, one or more characters? Mark for Review
(1) Points


% (*)



Section 17 Lesson 2
(Answer all questions in this section)

29. You want to retrieve a list of customers whose last names begin with the letters Fr . Which keyword should you include in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement to achieve the desired result? Mark for Review
(1) Points




LIKE (*)

30. You want to retrieve a list of customers whose last names begin with the letters Fr . Which symbol should you include in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement to achieve the desired result? Mark for Review
(1) Points

% (*)




31. You need write a SELECT statement that should only return rows that contain 34, 46, or 48 for the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which operator should you use in the WHERE clause to compare the DEPARTMENT_ID column to this specific list of values? Mark for Review
(1) Points



IN (*)


32. The PLAYERS table contains these columns:
PLAYER_ID NUMBER (9) Primary Key

Which SELECT statement should you use if you want to display unique combinations of the TEAM_ID and MANAGER_ID columns?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT * FROM players;

SELECT team_id, manager_id FROM players;

SELECT DISTINCT team_id, manager_id FROM players; (*)

SELECT team_id, DISTINCT manager_id FROM players;

SELECT team_id, manager_id DISTINCT FROM players;

33. You want to determine the orders that have been placed by customers who live in Chicago. You write this partial SELECT statement:
SELECT orderid, orderdate, total
FROM orders;

What should you include in your SELECT statement to achieve the desired results?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

AND city = Chicago;

AND city = 'Chicago';

WHERE city = 'Chicago'; (*)

WHERE city = Chicago;

Section 17 Lesson 3
(Answer all questions in this section)

34. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:

You are writing a SELECT statement to retrieve the names of employees that have an email address.

SELECT last_name||', '||first_name "Employee Name"
FROM employees;

Which WHERE clause should you use to complete this statement?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

WHERE email = NULL;

WHERE email != NULL;


WHERE email IS NOT NULL; (*)

35. You want to create a report that displays all employees who were hired before January 1, 2000 and whose annual salaries are greater than 50000.
The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:


The SALARY table contains these columns:


Which query should you issue?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT last_name, hiredate, salary
FROM employees NATURAL JOIN salary USING employee_id
WHERE hiredate < 01-jan-00 AND salary > 50000;

SELECT last_name, hiredate, salary
FROM employees JOIN salary
ON employee_id = employee_id
WHERE hiredate < '01-jan-00' AND salary > 50000;

SELECT last_name, hiredate, salary
FROM employees NATURAL JOIN salary
WHERE hiredate < '01-jan-00' AND salary > 50000;

SELECT last_name, hiredate, salary
FROM employees (+) salary
WHERE hiredate < '01-jan-00' AND salary > 50000;

36. The STUDENT table contains these columns:

Evaluate this statement:
SELECT DISTINCT advisor_id, main_subject_id
FROM student;

Which statement is true?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Each ADVISOR_ID can be displayed only once.

Each MAIN_SUBJECT_ID can be displayed more than once per ADVISOR_ID. (*)

Each combination of ADVISOR_ID and MAIN_SUBJECT_ID can be displayed more than once.

Each MAIN_SUBJECT_ID can be displayed only once.

Section 18 Lesson 1
(Answer all questions in this section)

37. You need to change the default sort order of the ORDER BY clause so that the data is displayed in reverse alphabetical order. Which keyword should you include in the ORDER BY clause? Mark for Review
(1) Points

DESC (*)




38. Which logical operator returns TRUE if either condition is true? Mark for Review
(1) Points

OR (*)




39. Which of the following best describes the meaning of the LIKE operator? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Display rows based on a range of values.

To test for values in a list.

Match a character pattern. (*)

To find Null values.

40. Which statement about the logical operators is true? Mark for Review
(1) Points

The order of operator precedence is AND, OR, and NOT.

The order of operator precedence is AND, NOT, and OR.

The order of operator precedence is NOT, OR, and AND.

The order of operator precedence is NOT, AND, and OR. (*)

41. The ORDER BY clause always comes last. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


42. Which statement about the ORDER BY clause is true? Mark for Review
(1) Points

You can use a column alias in the ORDER BY clause. (*)

The default sort order of the ORDER BY clause is descending.

The ORDER BY clause can only contain columns that are included in the SELECT list.

The ORDER BY clause should immediately precede the FROM clause in a SELECT statement

Section 18 Lesson 2
(Answer all questions in this section)

43. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT first_name, last_name, email
FROM employees
ORDER BY last_name;

Which statement is true?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

The rows will not be sorted.

The rows will be sorted alphabetically by the LAST_NAME values. (*)

The rows will be sorted in reverse alphabetical order by the LAST_NAME values.

The rows will be sorted alphabetically by the FIRST_NAME and then the LAST_NAME values

44. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 30000 AND department_id = 10 OR email IS NOT NULL;

Which statement is true?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

The OR condition will be evaluated before the AND condition.

The AND condition will be evaluated before the OR condition. (*)

The OR and AND conditions have the same precedence and will be evaluated from left to right

The OR and AND conditions have the same precedence and will be evaluated from right to left

45. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, email
FROM employees
ORDER BY email;

If the EMAIL column contains null values, which statement is true?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Null email values will be displayed first in the result.

Null email values will be displayed last in the result. (*)

Null email values will not be displayed in the result.

The result will not be sorted.

46. Which SELECT statement should you use to limit the display of product information to those products with a price of less than 50? Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products WHERE price < 50; (*)

SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products HAVING price < 50;

SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products WHERE price <= 50;

SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products GROUP BY price < 50;

SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products WHERE price < 50.00 GROUP BY price;

47. You attempt to query the database with this SQL statement:
SELECT product_id "Product Number", category_id "Category", price "Price"
FROM products
WHERE "Category" = 5570 ORDER BY "Product Number";

This statement fails when executed. Which clause contains a syntax error?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT product_id "Product Number", category_id "Category", price "price"

ORDER BY "Product Number";

FROM products

WHERE "Category" = 5570 (*)

48. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 34
OR department_id = 45
OR department_id = 67;

Which operator is the same as the OR conditions used in this SELECT statement?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

IN (*)




Section 18 Lesson 3
(Answer all questions in this section)

49. Evaluate this SQL statement:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, m.manager_id
FROM employees e, employees m
ORDER BY e.last_name, e.first_name
WHERE e.employee_id = m.manager_id;

This statement fails when executed. Which change will correct the problem?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

Reorder the clauses in the query. (*)

Remove the tables aliases in the WHERE clause.

Remove the table aliases in the ORDER BY clause.

Include a HAVING clause.

50. The PLAYERS table contains these columns:

You must display the player name, team id, and salary for players whose salary is in the range from 25000 through 100000 and whose team id is in the range of 1200 through 1500. The results must be sorted by team id from lowest to highest and then further sorted by salary from highest to lowest. Which statement should you use to display the desired result?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE (salary > 25000 OR salary < 100000)
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id, salary;

SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE salary BETWEEN 25000 AND 100000
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id, salary DESC;

SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE salary > 24999.99 AND salary < 100000
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id ASC, salary DESC;

SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE salary BETWEEN 24999.99 AND 100000.01
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id DESC, salary DESC;

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010


1.One-to-One relationships are transformed into Check Constraints in the tables created at either end of that relationship. False?
2. The Oracle Database can implement a many to many relationship. You simply create two foreign keys between the two tables. False?
3. Why would this table name NOT work in an Oracle database? this_year_end+next_year Plus sign + is not allowed in object names (*)
4. In a physical data model, an attribute becomes a _____________. Column (*)
5. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a combination of:
Primary Key or Unique Key (*)
Foreign Key (*)
6. Identify all of the incorrect statements that complete this sentence: A primary key is: (Choose three)
A single column that uniquely identifies each column in a table (*)
A set of columns in one table that uniquely identifies each row in another table (*)
Only one column that must be null (*)
7. The explanation below is a column integrity constraint:
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column. True
8. Foreign keys must be null. False (*)
9. The explanation below is a User Defined integrity rule and must therefore be manually coded, the Database cannot enforce this rule automatically:
A primary key must be unique, and no part of the primary key can be null. False (*)
10. When translating an arc relationship to a physical design, you must turn the arc relationships into foreign keys. Assuming you are implementing an Exclusive Design, you must also create two Unique Key Constraints to ensure the Arc is implemented correctly. False?
11. Which of the following are reasons why you should consider using a Subtype Implementation?
Business functionality and business rules, access paths and frequency of access are all very different between subtypes. (*)
12. The _______ clause can be added to a SELECT statement to return a subset of the data. WHERE (*)
13. What command can be used to create a new row in a table in the database? INSERT (*)
14. You want to create a list of all albums that have been produced by the company. The list should include the title of the album, the artist’s name, and the date the album was released. The ALBUMS table includes the following columns:
Which statement can you use to retrieve the necessary information?
FROM albums;
15. In a SELECT clause, what is the result of 2 + 3 * 2? 8 (*)
16. Which SQL keyword specifies that an alias will be substituted for a column name in the output of a SQL query? AS (*)
17. When you use the SELECT clause to list one or two columns only from a table and no WHERE clause, which SQL capability is used? Projection only (*)
18. When listing columns in the SELECT list, what should you use to separate the columns? Commas (*)
19. In which clause of a SELECT statement would you specify the name of the table or tables being queried? The FROM clause (*)
20. The SELECT statement retrieves information from the database. In a SELECT statement, you can do all of the following EXCEPT:
Manipulation (*)
21. In a SELECT statement Additions are evaluated before Multiplications. False (*)
22. You cannot use computers unless you completely understand exactly how they work. False (*)
23. The STUDENT table contains these columns:
Evaluate this statement:
SELECT DISTINCT advisor_id, main_subject_id
FROM student;
Which statement is true?Each MAIN_SUBJECT_ID can be displayed more than once per ADVISOR_ID. (*)
24. You want to create a report that displays all employees who were hired before January 1, 2000 and whose annual salaries are greater than 50000.
The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:
The SALARY table contains these columns:
Which query should you issue?
SELECT last_name, hiredate, salary
FROM employees NATURAL JOIN salary
WHERE hiredate < ’01-jan-00′ AND salary > 50000;
25. The EMPLOYEES table includes these columns:
You want to produce a report that provides the first names, last names and hire dates of those employees who were hired between March 1, 2000, and August 30, 2000. Which statements can you issue to accomplish this task?

SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date BETWEEN ’01-MAR-00′ AND ’30-AUG-00′;
26. You need to display all the values in the EMAIL column that contains the underscore (_) character as part of that email address. The WHERE clause in your SELECT statement contains the LIKE operator. What must you include in the LIKE operator?
The ESCAPE option (\) (*)
27. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN(10, 20, 30)
AND salary > 20000;
Which values would cause the logical condition to return TRUE?
DEPARTMENT_ID = 10 and SALARY = 20001 (*)
28. If the EMPLOYEES table has the following columns, and you want to write a SELECT statement to return the employee last name and department number for employee number 176, which of the following SQL statements should you use?
Name Type Length
SELECT last_name, department_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 176;
29. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, salary
FROM employees;
How will the heading for the SALARY column appear in the display by default in Oracle Application Express?
The heading will display as uppercase and centered. (*)
30. You need write a SELECT statement that should only return rows that contain 34, 46, or 48 for the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which operator should you use in the WHERE clause to compare the DEPARTMENT_ID column to this specific list of values?
IN (*)
31. Which comparison operator searches for a specified character pattern?
LIKE (*)
32. What does the DISTINCT keyword do when it is used in a SELECT clause? Eliminates duplicate rows in the result (*)
33. Which symbol represents the not equal to condition?
!= (*)
34. Which of the following elements cannot be included in a WHERE clause? A column alias (*)
35. Where in a SQL statement can you not use arithmetic operators? FROM (*)
36. Which clause would you include in a SELECT statement to restrict the data returned to only the employees in department 10? WHERE (*)
37. Which of the following best describes the meaning of the LIKE operator?
Match a character pattern. (*)
38. The ORDER BY clause always comes last. True
39. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the logical AND operator?
40. Which clause would you include in a SELECT statement to sort the rows returned by the LAST_NAME column? ORDER BY (*)
41. Which comparison condition means “Less Than or Equal To
“<=” (*)
42. You need to change the default sort order of the ORDER BY clause so that the data is displayed in reverse alphabetical order. Which keyword should you include in the ORDER BY clause? DESC (*)
43. What value will the following SQL statement return?
SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id BETWEEN 100 AND 150
OR employee_id IN(119, 175, 205)
AND (employee_id BETWEEN 150 AND 200);
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 124, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149 (*)
44. Which SELECT statement should you use to limit the display of product information to those products with a price of less than 50? SELECT product_id, product_name
FROM products
WHERE price < 50;
45. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, department_id, manager_id
FROM employees;
You need to sort data by manager id values and then alphabetically by employee last name and first name values. Which ORDER BY clause could you use?

46. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 30000
AND department_id = 10
Which statement is true?
The AND condition will be evaluated before the OR condition. (*)
47. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, email
FROM employees
ORDER BY email;
If the EMAIL column contains null values, which statement is true?
Null email values will be displayed last in the result. (*)
48. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 34
OR department_id = 45
OR department_id = 67;
Which operator is the equivalent of the OR conditions used in this SELECT statement?
IN (*)
49. The PLAYERS table contains these columns:
You must display the player name, team id, and salary for players whose salary is in the range from 25000 through 100000 and whose team id is in the range of 1200 through 1500. The results must be sorted by team id from lowest to highest and then further sorted by salary from highest to lowest. Which statement should you use to display the desired result?
SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE salary BETWEEN 25000 AND 100000
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id, salary DESC;
50. Evaluate this SQL statement:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, m.manager_id
FROM employees e, employees m
ORDER BY e.last_name, e.first_name
WHERE e.employee_id = m.manager_id;
This statement fails when executed. Which change will correct the problem?

Reorder the clauses in the query. (*)
4. When mapping supertypes, relationships at the supertype level transform as usual. Relationships at subtype level are implemented as foreign keys, but the foreign key columns all become mandatory.False
5. Which of the following are reasons why you should consider using a Subtype Implementation?
Business functionality and business rules, access paths and frequency of access are all very different between subtypes. (*)
6. The Oracle Database can implement a many to many relationship. You simply create two foreign keys between the two tables. False?
7. It is possible to implement non-transferability via a simple Foreign Key Relationship. False (*)
8. The text below is an example of what constraint type:
The value in the manager_id column of the EMPLOYEES table must match a value in the employee_id column in the EMPLOYEES table.
Referential integrity (*)
9. Entity integrity refers
Tables having Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Unique Keys and Check constraints defined in the database. (*)
10. Identify all of the incorrect statements that complete this sentence: A primary key is: (Choose three
A single column that uniquely identifies each column in a table (*)
A set of columns in one table that uniquely identifies each row in another table (*)
Only one column that must be null (*)
11. The explanation below is a column integrity constraint:
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column. True (*)
12. The DESCRIBE command returns all rows from a table. False (*)
13. What command can be used to create a new row in a table in the database? INSERT (*)
14. In a SQL statement, which clause specifies one or more columns to be returned by the query?
15. Which SQL keyword specifies that an alias will be substituted for a column name in the output of a SQL queryAS (*)
16. The SELECT statement retrieves information from the database. In a SELECT statement, you can do all of the following EXCEPT: Manipulation (*)
17. When listing columns in the SELECT list, what should you use to separate the columns? Commas (*)
18. In the default order of precedence, which operator would be evaluated first? Multiplications (*)
19. When you use the SELECT clause to list one or two columns only from a table and no WHERE clause, which SQL capability is used?
Projection only (*)
20. In which clause of a SELECT statement would you specify the name of the table or tables being queried? The FROM clause (*)
21. There is only one kind of software used by all computers. False (*)
22. In a SELECT statement Additions are evaluated before Multiplications. False (*)
24. You want to retrieve a list of customers whose last names begin with the letters Fr . Which symbol should you include in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement to achieve the desired result?
% (*)
25. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, salary
FROM employees;
How will the heading for the SALARY column appear in the display by default in Oracle Application Express?The heading will display as uppercase and centered. (*)
26. Which SELECT statement will display both unique and non-unique combinations of the MANAGER_ID and DEPARTMENT_ID values from the EMPLOYEES table?
SELECT manager_id, department_id FROM employees; (*)
27. You need to display all the employees whose last name starts with the letters Sm . Which WHERE clause should you use? WHERE last_name LIKE ‘Sm%’ (*)
28. The STUDENT table contains these columns:
Evaluate this statement:
SELECT DISTINCT advisor_id, main_subject_id
FROM student;
Which statement is true?
Each MAIN_SUBJECT_ID can be displayed more than once per ADVISOR_ID. (*)
29. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:
Evaluate these two SELECT statements:
1. SELECT DISTINCT employee_id, department_id, manager_id FROM employees;
2. SELECT employee_id, department_id, manager_id FROM employees;
Which of the following statements is true?
The two statements will display the same data. (*)
30. If you write queries using the BETWEEN operator it does not matter in what order you enter the values, i.e. BETWEEN low value AND high value will give the same result as BETWEEN high value and low value. False (*)
31. Which comparison condition would you use to select rows that match a character pattern? LIKE (*)
32. You need to display employees whose salary is in the range of 30000 and 50000. Which comparison operator should you use? BETWEEN…AND… (*)
33. What does the DISTINCT keyword do when it is used in a SELECT clause?
Eliminates duplicate rows in the result (*)
34. Which comparison operator searches for a specified character pattern? LIKE (*)
35. Where in a SQL statement can you not use arithmetic operators? FROM (*)
36. Which symbol represents the not equal to condition? != (*)
37. Evaluate this SQL statement:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, m.manager_id
FROM employees e, employees m
ORDER BY e.last_name, e.first_name
WHERE e.employee_id = m.manager_id;
This statement fails when executed. Which change will correct the problem?
Reorder the clauses in the query. (*)
38. The PLAYERS table contains these columns:
You must display the player name, team id, and salary for players whose salary is in the range from 25000 through 100000 and whose team id is in the range of 1200 through 1500. The results must be sorted by team id from lowest to highest and then further sorted by salary from highest to lowest. Which statement should you use to display the desired result?
SELECT last_name, first_name, team_id, salary
FROM players
WHERE salary BETWEEN 25000 AND 100000
AND team_id BETWEEN 1200 AND 1500
ORDER BY team_id, salary DESC;
39. Which statement about the default sort order is true? The lowest numeric values are displayed last.
The earliest date values are displayed first. (*)
40. The ORDER BY clause always comes last. True or False? True (*)
41. Which logical operator returns TRUE if either condition is true? OR (*)
42. Which comparison condition means “Less Than or Equal To?”“<=” (*)
44. Which statement about the ORDER BY clause is true?
You can use a column alias in the ORDER BY clause. (*)
45. You query the database with this SQL statement:
SELECT price
FROM products
WHERE price IN(1, 25, 50, 250)
AND (price BETWEEN 25 AND 40 OR price > 50);
Which two values could the statement return? 25 (*)250 (*)
46. Evaluate this SQL statement:
SELECT product_id, product_name, price
FROM products
ORDER BY product_name, price;
What occurs when the statement is executed?
The results are sorted alphabetically and then numerically. (*)
47. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, email
FROM employees
ORDER BY email;
If the EMAIL column contains null values, which statement is true?
Null email values will be displayed last in the result. (*)
49. Which SELECT statement should you use to limit the display of product information to those products with a price of less than 50? SELECT product_id, product_name
FROM products
WHERE price < 50;
50. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 34
OR department_id = 45
OR department_id = 67;
Which operator is the equivalent of the OR conditions used in this SELECT statement?

IN (*)
2. In an Oracle database, why would 1_TABLE not work as a table name?
Object names must not start with a number. They must begin with a letter (*)
3. The transformation from an ER diagram to a physical design involves changing terminology. Primary Unique Identifiers in the ER diagram become __________ and relationships become ____________. Primary keys, Foreign keys (*)
4. The text below is an example of what constraint type:
The value in the manager_id column of the EMPLOYEES table must match a value in the employee_id column in the EMPLOYEES table. Referential integrity (*)
5. A table must have at least one candidate key, as well as its primary key. False
6. The explanation below is a User Defined integrity rule and must therefore be manually coded, the Database cannot enforce this rule automatically:
A primary key must be unique, and no part of the primary key can be null. False
7. The explanation below is a column integrity constraint:
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column. True
8. What do you create when you transform a many to many relationship from your ER diagram into a physical design?
Intersection table (*)
9. The Oracle Database can implement a many to many relationship. You simply create two foreign keys between the two tables. False
10. When mapping supertypes, relationships at the supertype level transform as usual. Relationships at subtype level are implemented as foreign keys, but the foreign key columns all become mandatory. False
12. What command can be used to create a new row in a table in the database?
14. All computers in the world speak the same languages, so you only need to learn one programming language – Oracle SQL. false
17. You query the database with this SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM students;
Why would you use this statement?
To view data (*)
18. In which clause of a SELECT statement would you specify the name of the table or tables being queried? The FROM clause (*)
19. Which statement best describes how arithmetic expressions are handled?
Division and multiplication operations are handled before subtraction and addition operations. (*)
21. You query the database with this SQL statement:
FROM transaction
WHERE product_id = 4569;
Which SQL SELECT statement capabilities are achieved when this statement is executed?
25. You need to display all the rows in the EMPLOYEES table that contain a null value in the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which comparison operator should you use? IS NULL (*)
26. Where in a SQL statement can you not use arithmetic operators? FROM (*)
28. Which clause would you include in a SELECT statement to restrict the data returned to only the employees in department 10? WHERE (*)
29. The EMPLOYEES table includes these columns:
You want to produce a report that provides the first names, last names and hire dates of those employees who were hired between March 1, 2000, and August 30, 2000. Which statements can you issue to accomplish this task?
SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date BETWEEN ’01-MAR-00′ AND ’30-AUG-00′;
SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date BETWEEN ’30-AUG-00′ AND ’01-MAR-00′;
SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date
FROM employees
GROUP BY hire_date >= ’01-MAR-00′ and hire_date = ’01-MAR-00′ and hire_date 20000;
Which values would cause the logical condition to return TRUE?
DEPARTMENT_ID = 10 and SALARY = 20001 (*)
34. You need write a SELECT statement that should only return rows that contain 34, 46, or 48 for the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which operator should you use in the WHERE clause to compare the DEPARTMENT_ID column to this specific list of values? IN (*)
39. Which statement about the logical operators is true?
The order of operator precedence is NOT, AND, and OR. (*)
48. Evaluate this SQL statement:
SELECT product_id, product_name, price
FROM products
ORDER BY product_name, price;
What occurs when the statement is executed?
The results are sorted alphabetically and then numerically. (*)
50. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 30000
AND department_id = 10
Which statement is true?
The AND condition will be evaluated before the OR condition. (*)
1. An “Arc Implementation” can be done just like any other Relationship – you simply add the required Foreign Keys. false
3. It is possible to implement non-transferability via a simple Foreign Key Relationship. false
4. The Oracle Database can implement a many to many relationship. You simply create two foreign keys between the two tables. false
5. The explanation below is a column integrity constraint:
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column. True
6. A foreign key cannot refer to a primary key in the same table. false
7. The text below is an example of what constraint type:
If the number of BOOKS lent to a BORROWER in the LIBRARY exceeds 5, then we must send him/her a letter requesting the return of the BOOKS, which will require extra programming to enforce.
8. A table must have a primary key. false
11. In an Oracle database, why would 1_TABLE not work as a table name?
Object names must not start with a number. They must begin with a letter (*)
12. The _______ clause can be added to a SELECT statement to return a subset of the data. WHERE (*)
13. What command will return data from the database to you? SELECT (*)
14. There is only one kind of software used by all computers. false
15. In a SELECT statement Additions are evaluated before Multiplications. false
16. You query the database with this SQL statement:
FROM transaction
WHERE product_id = 4569;
Which SQL SELECT statement capabilities are achieved when this statement is executed? Selection only
17. You query the database with this SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM students;
Why would you use this statement?
To view data (*)
18. In a SQL statement, which clause specifies one or more columns to be returned by the query?
19. Which SQL statement will return an error?
SEL * FR sky; (*)
22. In the default order of precedence, which operator would be evaluated first?
Multiplications (*)
23. You need to display all the rows in the EMPLOYEES table that contain a null value in the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which comparison operator should you use? IS NULL (*)
25. Where in a SQL statement can you not use arithmetic operators? FROM (*)
26. Which clause would you include in a SELECT statement to restrict the data returned to only the employees in department 10?
28. The Concatenation Operator does which of the following?
Links two or more columns or literals to form a single output column (*)
29. The EMPLOYEES table includes these columns:
You want to produce a report that provides the first names, last names and hire dates of those employees who were hired between March 1, 2000, and August 30, 2000. Which statements can you issue to accomplish this task?
SELECT last_name, first_name, hire_date
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date BETWEEN ’01-MAR-00′ AND ’30-AUG-00′;

2. The explanation below is a column integrity constraint:
A column must contain only values consistent with the defined data format of the column. false
3. The text below is an example of what constraint type:
If the number of BOOKS lent to a BORROWER in the LIBRARY exceeds 5, then we must send him/her a letter requesting the return of the BOOKS, which will require extra programming to enforce.
User-defined integrity (*)
8. When mapping supertypes, relationships at the supertype level transform as usual. Relationships at subtype level are implemented as foreign keys, but the foreign key columns all become mandatory. false
9. An “Arc Implementation” can be done just like any other Relationship – you simply add the required Foreign Keys. false
10. Many to many relationships are implemented via a structure called a: ________________
Intersection Table (*)
11. It is possible to implement non-transferability via a simple Foreign Key Relationship. false
19. The SELECT statement retrieves information from the database. In a SELECT statement, you can do all of the following EXCEPT:Manipulation (*)
21. In a SELECT statement Additions are evaluated before Multiplications. false
25. Which of the following elements cannot be included in a WHERE clause? A column alias (*)
26. Which operator is used to combine columns of character strings to other columns? || (*)
29. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN(10, 20, 30)
AND salary > 20000;
Which values would cause the logical condition to return TRUE? DEPARTMENT_ID = 10 and SALARY = 20001 (*)
31. You need write a SELECT statement that should only return rows that contain 34, 46, or 48 for the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which operator should you use in the WHERE clause to compare the DEPARTMENT_ID column to this specific list of values? IN (*)
32. You want to retrieve a list of customers whose last names begin with the letters Fr . Which symbol should you include in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement to achieve the desired result? % (*)
33. You want to determine the orders that have been placed by customers who reside in Chicago. You write this partial SELECT statement:
SELECT orderid, orderdate, total
FROM orders;
What should you include in your SELECT statement to achieve the desired results?
WHERE city = ‘Chicago’; (*)
34. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:
You are writing a SELECT statement to retrieve the names of employees that have an email address.
SELECT last_name||’, ‘||first_name “Employee Name”
FROM employees;
Which WHERE clause should you use to complete this statement? WHERE email IS NOT NULL; (*)
Incorrect. See Section 17
Section 18
37. The PLAYERS table contains these columns:
You want to display all players’ names with position 6900 or greater. You want the players names to be displayed alphabetically by last name and then by first name. Which statement should you use to achieve the required results?
SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM players
WHERE position_id >= 6900
ORDER BY last_name, first_name;
40. Which statement about the logical operators is true?
The order of operator precedence is NOT, AND, and OR. (*)
41. From left to right, what is the correct order of Precedence? Arithmetic, Concatenation, Comparison, OR (*)
42. The ORDER BY clause always comes last. True
43. You need to change the default sort order of the ORDER BY clause so that the data is displayed in reverse alphabetical order. Which keyword should you include in the ORDER BY clause?
DESC (*)
48. You need to create a report to display all employees that were hired on or before January 1, 1996. The data should display in this format:
Employee Start Date and Salary
14837 – Smith 10-MAY-92 / 5000
SELECT employee_id ||' – '|| last_name "Employee",
hire_date ||' / '|| salary "Start Date and Salary"
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date <= '01-JAN-96';
49. Evaluate this SELECT statement:
SELECT last_name, first_name, salary
FROM employees;
How will the results of this query be sorted?The database will display the rows in whatever order it finds it in the database, so no particular order. (*)
50. Which SELECT statement should you use to limit the display of product information to those products with a price of less than 50
SELECT product_id, product_name
FROM products
WHERE price < 50;

marți, 2 martie 2010

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Mi-am facut blog:>:>. Ce ziceti de asta? Eu si blogurile... cine-ar fi crezut. L-am facut ca cica e la moda sa ai blog. Si am zis hai sa-mi fac si eu unu. Chiar daca n-o sa citeasca multa lume ce scriu eu pe aici (nu ca as scrie foarte mult, doar imi stiti talentu la limba si literatura romana). Deja mi sa terminat inspiratia:)).
Hai pa! Va pup